
Showing posts from July, 2023

My father, Tredegar and Nye Bevan

Today, 5th July 2023, health campaigners will be marking the 75th anniversary of the NHS, as I will be myself on a campaign stall in my town centre in Kendal. It therefore seemed an appropriate day to add a post about my father, Thomas Dillwyn Powell-Davies, to this family history blog. That’s because the ‘birthplace’ of the NHS was the Welsh town of Tredegar, and that’s also the town where my father worked from 1936-1946, work whose value was acknowledged by none other than Aneurin Bevan himself. A testimonial for my father from Nye Bevan My father’s treasured photograph album of his time in Tredegar, together with his files about his work with wartime evacuees, and his letters demanding that action be taken about housing and poverty in the town, also provide a record that may be useful to anyone with an interest in the history of Tredegar.    I have included some of them in this post, including personal correspondence with Nye Bevan. I should only add at the outset that, as ...